This knowledge-base article covers best practices and considerations when creating Test Patients in Pulsara.
Considerations for Test Patients
Creating Test Patients as Hospital
Considerations for Test Patients
Patient Channel Visibility
Depending on individual user permissions and the entities included in the Test Patient channel, the Test Patient may be visible to other users within or outside of the entity in which the patient was created.
Managing Test Channels
Patient channels that are created for testing cannot be deleted, they can only be stopped.
- Visibility of stopped channels is dependent on your entity type and entity settings
- Hospitals
- Stopped channels remain visible for up to 72 hrs.
- This is dependent on the Hours to Display Stopped Cases configuration that can be set by an administrator.
- Fire/EMS
- Patient channels with no destination selected - once stopped, the channel will remain on the patient list for 1 hour. Patient channels with a destination selected - once stopped, the channel will remain on the patient list for the “Hours to display stopped cases” time setting of the facility the patient was transported to.
- Patient channels not stopped (either by the creating Fire/EMS prior to “ED Arrival” being set or by the receiving facility) - the patient will remain active and on the patient list.
Note: Once the receiving facility sets ED Arrival, Fire/EMS cannot stop the channel and the channel will remain active until stopped by the facility.
Reusing Wristbands:
Wristbands used during testing can be reused if after testing the wristband ID number is deleted from the patient channel or altered to a different value. If the wristband ID is not deleted from the patient channel and that wristband is later reused, this may cause the original test patient to be pulled up or create a new patient channel with a wristband ID that has already been used.
Test Patients as EMS
As a Fire/EMS entity, to avoid accidentally sending test data to live hospitals:
- Select the “TEST - Pulsara Test Hospital” as the destination or
- Create a test patient channel without a destination
When creating Test Patients, the following naming convention is recommended:
First Name: TEST
Last Name: Patient
Chief Complaint / Notes: This is a test
Select a transport destination
Select “Change Search Area”
Move the cursor above the Arctic circle towards the north pole and select search.
Select “TEST - Pulsara Test Hospital” as a transport destination
Note: This is a TEST Hospital. An accurate ETA / Drive time will not be calculated and no users are on call at the Test Hospital. You or someone from your organization will need to stop the channel in order for it to fall off your organization's patient list.
Test Patients as Receiving Facility
Pulsara recommends working with your local EMS agency to have them create test patient channels as a test for your facility.
If that is not an option, or your local EMS agency needs assistance to facilitate this, please contact us and a member of our team will reach out to discuss further.
Alerting Troubleshooting
To verify if a user/device is set up correctly to receive alerts, use the test alert functionality within the platform. Creating Test patient channels is not the recommended way to identify or test why a specific user, team, or facility was not alerted for an actual patient.
- On Pulsara Mobile navigate to My Call Status.
- Tap the 3 Dots in the upper right corner.
- Tap Send Test Alert.
- In Pulsara Manager navigate to Manage Users.
- Finding the user.
Select Send Test Alert and Choose the type of alert to send.
For assistance troubleshooting alert notifications for a specific patient, contact our support team.