Add stroke scores to a patient channel, including BE-FAST, FAST-ED, and FAST + VAN.
Pulsara has several stroke scales available to give our clients a wide assortment of options for inclusion on an active patient Stroke Channel. Here are the options and how to apply them.
The following scales are available in Pulsara:
- Cincinnati/FAST
- Cincinnati/FAST + VAN (mobile version 11.6 and later)
- Other (free text entry field for manual entry of stroke scores)
To record a stroke score, you will need to open a Stroke Patient Channel. Scroll down and find the "Stroke Scores" text and tap the "+ Score” button.
Select the desired stroke score from the drop-down menu.
In the example below, the Cincinnati/FAST scale was selected. As you fill out your selected scale, you are presented with a help option to guide you through use of the selected scale.
Tap the Scoring button to open a page that provides information on how to use the selected scale type.
Close the help page to complete the stroke scoring scale, log the time, change it as needed, and/or enter any comments or notes.
Once you complete the stroke scale, tap the Save button in the top right corner of the screen.
Your Stroke Scale score(s) will now appear as part of the patient channel.
After patient activation, the organization that added the stroke score will appear on the patient channel with the stroke score entry.
To add an additional score, simply repeat the steps from the beginning.