Pulsara Alerts Explained

This article will explain the variety of alerts the Pulsara app will deliver.

Primary Alerts

Primary Alert

  • The first alert that is sent as soon as a patient-type event has occurred..

  • Primary alerts can be configured differently per team.

  • Force assigning a team member to a patient sends a primary alert

Repeat Primary Alert

  • Alert that is sent to Mobile and HQ users every 2 minutes for 20 minutes after the initial primary alert. 

This alert does not repeat if:

  • the initial primary alert is acknowledged

  • the user views the patient channel

  • the patient channel is stopped or canceled

  • the user has logged out 

  • the user has silenced alerts for the patient channel (Mobile only)

  • 20 minutes has surpassed

Primary Alert Rollover to Pager

Alert that is sent either immediately, or after 60 seconds, depending on the user's configured preference.

When the 60 second rollover delay is selected, the rollover email/pager message is not sent if the initial primary alert is acknowledged, or the user views the patient case within 60 seconds.

Learn more about this feature: Click here

Case Not Activated Reminder Alert

Alert that is sent to all Mobile and HQ users who received the initial primary alert on EMS creation if the patient case is not activated within 5 minutes.

  • Does not apply to General patients, since that patient type can’t be activated.

  • Does not apply to Inpatient or ED Patient methods of arrival, since those patient types are automatically activated.

  • Only applies to EMS created patient channels that transport to a receiving facility using the Pulsara UNITED commercial package (with the ability to activate downstream teams)

Secondary Alerts

Mobile Users:

Alerts grouped per patient

To reduce the clutter of alerts on iOS, you will now see alerts grouped per patient. Please refer to this article for more information.

Secondary alerts can now be silenced for your convenience. For example, you may only wish to know that a patient is inbound, but not be alerted for all the communications exchanges concerning a patient. To silence additional alerts for a single patient, check this article out.

Communications Alert

Communications alerts occur every time you have a text message or additional communication request (phone call or video call).

Update alert

Alerts come in for many patient status updates, but not for all of them. For instance, you may receive alerts for when a patient's CT is ready, or when the "ER Door" time is added. New "cards" or sections on the patient channel may have new information added and that data may prompt an update. If data is changed or added after initial data is placed, those also may not generate an alert.

Pulsara HQ Users: 

Pulsara HQ users do not receive secondary alerts. Instead a visible notification image will appear next to the patient details tab. 

Managing alerts

As a communications platform, Pulsara offers many different types of alerts to keep you on top of the latest information concerning your patients, and many different ways to manage those alerts. To find articles specific to your device or to alert type, search our Knowledge Base for more information

To change your Pulsara alert sounds view: 

Change alert sounds on iOS

Change alert sounds on Android