What is HQ?
HQ is a browser-based command center that allows supervisors to monitor their units and view facility acknowledgment status, transport locations, and ETA. HQ also allows viewing and updating patient details
How do I find HQ?
EMS users can find the shortcut to HQ in the Pulsara Web navigation menu if they have the “Can Access HQ” account level permission set.
NOTE: EMS users who do not have the “Can Access HQ” account permission, can still use Pulsara for creating, updating, and viewing patient channels but their experience will be slightly different with a different set of features.
Understanding the HQ Patient List
Pulsara HQ is a patient list where patients can be created, updated, and viewed all from one screen in your browser.
The patient list displays patient Type, Chief Complaint / Notes, Name (or initials), Age, Gender, Unit, ETA, and Destination.
For EMS Administrators, the list will display patients created by all team members and units at your EMS Organization.
For EMS Users without the permission to access HQ, the list shows patients created by themself and other Pulsara users selected as teammates for their shift.
For the transport destination, the list displays the following key information:
- A green check mark for patients where the destination facility has acknowledged the patient
- A red circle for patients that the destination facility has not acknowledged
- “Destination Not Set” for patients with no destination selected
The “Add Transport” (+) button appears for patients with no destination selected. Click the button view the Add Transport pane to specify a Destination facility.
For any patient listed, click the View Collaborations button the list of entities involved in patient care.
The Labels and View Patient Details buttons appear on the right side of a patient row. Click the Labels icon to add a label that can be viewed by team members at your facility or across all facilities involved in patient care. To learn more about Labels, view this article.
NOTE: Stopped patients without a destination hospital are visible in the list for 1 hour. If a destination facility is selected, the patient will display for the time that the facility has chosen to display stopped cases, up to 72 hours.
Patient List Visibility Settings
By default, the web patient list defaults to show Chief Complaint / Notes and hides the Patient Name. To change the visibility of either Chief Complaint / Notes or Patient Name, click the gear icon and toggle the desired visibility setting.
Filtering the Patient List
Patients can be filtered by Assignment, Case Type, Condition, Test Status and Create date.
Filters can be mixed and matched to find the exact results of patients you need. Only patients whoThe options in the upper right allow you to sort patients by newest, ETA, and type. When the list is match all active filters will be shown in the dashboard
Click the “CLEAR” option next to any filter to remove it.
Collapse filters by clicking the filter category name to focus on the filters that are most important to you and reserve screen space for the most used filters. Click the category name again to reveal the filter options.
Create Date Filter defaults to created within the last 30 days. The create date filter helps reduce the patient list to display only patents created within the selected time period.
Sort patients by Newest, ETA, Type using the options in the upper right. With the list sorted by the Newest option, the most recently created patients will appear at the top.
Searching for Patients
The patient list supports searching for patients by Patient Name, Age, Chief Complaint / Notes, Transport Destination, or EMS Unit. Searching for the patient’s name will display results even if only initials are shown in the patient list.
Viewing and Editing Patient Details
To see or edit patient information, click the View Patient Details button for a patient row. The patient details pane allows viewing and updating the full details for a single patient (demographics, images, ECGs, audio clips, etc.) and allows other key functions like Team Messaging, Activating, Stopping, and Transferring a patient or viewing the Pulsara Summary Report.
From the patient details pane, you can view and modify patient details. Patient information is grouped into four tabs: Patient Details, Conversation, Team, Requests
To view or modify most patient information, select the Patient Details tab. Scroll the details pane vertically to see patient information. To add additional information, click the +Add button. Once the new information is added,Click the Team button to view and update team members involved with patient care. You can also view the patient alert acknowledgment status from here it will appear in the patient details pane, and a related navigation icon will appear on the left.
To speak with other team members involved in this patient care, click the conversation tab to add a Team Message.
To View and update team members involved with patient care, click the Team button. Patient alert acknowledgement status can be viewed from here as well.
To view Requests related to the patient, see entities involved in patient care, or to initiate a Consult or Handoff, click on the Requests tab to view Requests related to the patient, see entities involved in patient care, or initiate a Consult or Handoff on the Requests tab.