June Product Update


New Default Screen when Selecting a Transport Destination

Feature Highlights

  • The Select Destination screen now defaults to listing transport facilities “By Location” rather than showing “Linked” facilities
  • The “By Location” screen displays all facilities within your area and makes it easy to find and select nearby facilities using the “Change Search Area” button.
  • The “Linked” screen will still be present and will display the currently linked facilities.

                 Previous default screen (linked)                      New default screen (by location)           



Who’s impacted

  • EMS users on iOS, Android, and Web who select transport destinations for Pulsara patients channels 

Why you’d use it

  • More easily find a transport destination facility
  • Easier access to “Change Search Area” which allows searching or using a map view to change the area used to create the list of destination facilities
  • Avoid the hassle of not finding facilities due to current configuration of “Linked” facilities

Rollout Timing

  • The feature will become available in the release of Pulsara mobile version 49, scheduled to release on June 5th
  • End users who continue to run older mobile versions will continue to see the “Linked” view as their initial screen

Getting started

  • Admins
    • No action required
  • End Users: 
    • Upgrade to Pulara Mobile version 49
    • Pulsara Web users may need to log out and back in to see this change immediately on June 5th


Face ID Login for iOS

What's changing

  • Users will have the option to use Face ID for login and/or PIN in for Pulsara on iOS.
  • Fingerprint ID can be used in place of Face ID on older devices that do not support Face ID.
  • If the feature is not used, manual input of username & password or PIN can still be utilized for accessing the application.
  • This feature is not supported on devices that are shared for Pulsara.


Login screen for device configured for Face ID     PIN screen for a device configured for Face ID   



Who’s impacted

  • All Pulsara iOS users who enable the feature

Why you’d use it

  • Log in to Pulsara without having to manually type your username and password
  • PIN into Pulsara without having to input your Pulsara PIN
  • Faster and easier access to Pulsara

Rollout Timing

  • The feature is planned to become available in Pulsara mobile version 50, scheduled to release at the end of June

Getting started

  • Admins
    • No action required
  • End Users: 
    • Upgrade to Pulsara mobile version 50 and enable the feature in Pulsara Settings
      • The phone running Pulsara must have the Face ID feature enabled under Settings


Pulsara Web App Location Improvements

What's changing

We’ve made it easy to specify your browser’s location. The app will ask once, and will automatically use that location for all functionality that requires location.

  • Click the new browser location button to update your location at any time

  • For browsers that can’t derive location via wifi, users can now specify their location using a clickable/draggable map view.

Who’s impacted

  • Pulsara Web users who are working with a wifi connection that prevents the browser from determining their location
  • Pulsara users who select transport destinations and want ETA, distance, and drive time calculated automatically
  • Pulsara users who want to see Nearby Incidents in the Incident list screeb

Rollout Timing

  • This feature will be released by June 4, 2024

Getting started

  • Admins
    • No action required
  • End Users: 
    • No action required

Incident Patient by Destination View Improvements

What's changing

  • We’re adding a new full-screen pop-out mode to increase the screen area available to view summary information.
  • The summary now automatically refreshes every 15 seconds, so the Refresh button was removed. 
  • The Totals row moves to the top where it is always visible, regardless of how many facilities are in the list and where the list is scrolled to.
  • The column displaying facility name is now wider to make it easier to see where patients are en route to or are currently at.

Who’s impacted

  • Pulsara web users who use the incident summary view for seeing patient transport status and location

Rollout Timing

  • These improvements will be released over time, starting on June 4th. The expanded pop-out view should be available by the end of June.

Getting started

  • Admins
    • No action required
  • End Users: 
    • No action required

Incident Archiving

What's changing

  • We are adding a new status for incidents called “Archived.”
  • The Archived status is meant to be used for an incident that is stopped and no longer needs changes such as the addition of patients.
  • Patients cannot be added to an archived incident, but incident details such as name or notes can be modified.
  • Archived incidents are filtered out of the incident list by default, but can be viewed by selecting the “All” or “Archived” filter.
  • An archived incident can be restored and moved back to Stopped status.

Who’s impacted

  • Pulsara web users who use the Incident list screen to view incidents

Rollout Timing

  • This feature is scheduled to release in late June

Getting started

  • Admins
    • No action required
  • End Users: 
    • No action required

Removal of New Look Toggle for Web Patient Details Panel

What's changing

  • On April 16th a new look for our web Patient Details panel was released that offered users the ability to toggle back to the older look for a limited time.
  • On June 11th, the option to switch between the old and new look will be removed.

Who’s impacted

  • Pulsara web users who have utilized this switch to toggle back to the previous web patient detail look

Rollout Timing

  • The toggle will be removed June 11th

Getting started

  • Admins
    • No action required
  • End Users: 
    • Users that have been using the new look - no action is required. 
    • Users who have toggled back to the old look - Pulsara suggests enabling the 'New Look' prior to June 11th to allow time to become familiar with it.

Mobile Support Announcement

Support for running Pulsara on mobile devices running iOS 12, 13, 14 will be ending soon.

  • In order to ensure uninterrupted usage of Pulsara, please upgrade your device to a newer iOS version.
  • Certain older devices may not be able to run iOS versions newer than iOS 12. Once support for iOS 12, 13, 14 ends, these devices will no longer be able to run the Pulsara mobile application.  Obtaining replacement devices will be necessary for devices that cannot upgrade beyond iOS 14.

Pulsara Support Center