Images and ECGs in Pulsara HQ

Open the desired patient from the list by clicking on the patient details button.

Image or ECG files can be added to a patient in one of three ways:

  1. The + Add button
  2. Drag and Drop
  3. Ctrl + V paste

NOTE: Supported file types include jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, and png 


Adding an Image or ECG using the +Add button



Select the files on your computer to upload.

For very large images, we recommend scaling down pixel dimensions before uploading.

Moments after an image upload completes, the patient details panel will update to display a thumbnail and associated date stamp for the image. Depending on the number of images added, it may be necessary to click the Image or ECG area scroll arrow.


Click on an image to open a larger view in a new browser tab.

To return to the Patient information, close the new tab or click on the Pulsara HQ tab.


Adding an Image or ECG using drag and drop

One or more Images or ECGs can be added to a patient by selecting the file(s) on your computer and dragging them anywhere onto the Patient Details pane. 

NOTE: It is not possible to add an image file to a patient by dragging it onto the Conversation, Team, Request pane

Drop the file into the Patient Details pane and a prompt will appear asking if the file is an ECG or a Regular Image. 


Select the appropriate option and the file will be added to either the ECG or Image area based on the selection.


Adding an Image or ECG using Ctrl + V (paste)


One or more Images or ECGs can be added to a patient by pasting the file(s) anywhere onto the Patient Details pane. To add files using file paste, select the files on your computer to add them to the clipboard. Next, click onto the Patient Details pane and press Ctrl + V. Right click paste is not supported at this time.


NOTE: It is not possible to add files to a patient by pasting into the Conversation, Team, Request pane

After pasting the file into the Patient Details pane, the app will display a prompt asking if the file is an ECG or a Regular Image. 


Select the appropriate option and the file(s) will be added to either the ECG or Image area based on the selection.