Receiving a Transfer from a Facility

Before a facility hands off a Patient to your agency in Pulsara, they should have already established communication with you outside of Pulsara to confirm you can transport the Patient to the receiving facility.

If the Facility handing off the patient to you has selected your Unit, the transfer patient will appear in the My Patients section of the list and notifications will be turned on for this patient. Tap to open the desired patient.

If the patient does not appear in the list, tap the Refresh button in the upper right corner.

Note: If your Unit has not been selected by the originating hospital, the patient will appear in the “All” section of the Patient List and notifications will be turned off for this patient. To enable notifications for this patient, open the channel and tap the bell in the upper right corner of the screen.

After turning on alerts, the patient will update to appear under My Patients in addition to the All section of the list.

Once the patient is in view, set the “At Patient” time to reflect when you picked up the patient.

Tap the Transport button in the Requests section.

Tap Select Destination and choose the receiving facility from the list.

When selecting a Destination, the facilities will default to by location. To view linked destinations, tap linked. . For more information on selecting a destination view How to Create a Patient Channel for EMS Users.

Confirm that the At Patient Time and ETA is correct and Tap Alert in the upper right corner.

The receiving facility will receive an alert letting them know the Transport to their facility has started. The alert also contains the patient ETA, which lets the receiving facility know when to be ready to receive the patient. At this point, the sending facility, your EMS crew, and the receiving facility will all be in the channel and receive alerts about updates and messages added for this patient.

To learn how to recalculate ETA in route to destination read how to recalculate ETA