Restarting Stopped Cases

Restart a Stopped Patient Case in Mobile

Restart a Stopped Patient Case in Web


Restarting a patient case in Pulsara is a few simple steps. This feature provides flexibility when treatment plans change, surfacing the need to restart a case or cases are erroneously stopped. 

  • When a case is restarted, everyone on the care team for the case will receive a secondary alert communicating the patient is active again
  • Cases can be stopped and restarted as many times as needed
  • If EMS is involved in patient care, they can restart a patient if ED Arrival is not set. The destination hospital can restart a patient before or after ED Arrival is set.
  • Cases can be restarted up to 24 hours after a patient case is stopped.

Restart a Stopped Patient Case in Mobile


To restart a case, scroll to the bottom of the patient channel and tap Restart Case.

A confirmation box will appear. Tap Restart.

The patient case is restarted and a confirmation check will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Restart a Stopped Patient Case in Web

To restart a case, in the top right of the patient details select Restart Case.

A confirmation box will appear. Select Restart Case.

The patient case is restarted and a confirmation bar will appear in the middle of the screen.

NOTE: Depending on facility configuration, a stopped patient may no longer appear in the patient list. If there is a need to restart a stopped patient that no longer appears in the patient list, you can find the patient in Recently Viewed Patients or History.