EMS/Ambulance Change Destination

When a patient needs to be rerouted to another facility, Pulsara makes it easy to change the destination facility.  This process will allow EMS crew members to change the destination and simultaneously alert the old and new facility of the change.

Changing the destination in Pulsara Mobile


After creating a patient channel, scroll to the requests section.

Tap Change Destination.

Choose the new destination, the change reason, and the ETA.

Note: Selecting a destination causes ETA to auto-calculate. 

Tap Save, then tap Change to finalize the destination change.

A confirmation bar will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming the destination change is successful.

The previous facility will receive an alert like the one below, with the reason that the patient destination is changing. The new facility will receive a standard new patient alert, as seen on the right.


The Requests section will update with the new destination.  To see the full transport history, tap the chevron.

To change the patient destination multiple times, simply repeat the steps above.

To learn how to recalculate ETA in route to a destination, read how to recalculate ETA.


Changing the destination in Pulsara Web

After creating a patient channel, select the requests section.

Select Change Destination

Choose the new destination, the change reason, and the ETA. Tap Save, then tap Change destination to finalize the destination change.