Flowchart Notes is a flexible tool to capture relevant chronological information within a patient channel. This feature allows adding Notes that can be entirely free form or based on pre-defined templates containing prompts for common treatment questions. Every entry is logged with a timestamp and the name of the entity who added the note, enhancing tracing and accountability.
For information on how to add a Flowchart Note template in Pulsara MANAGER see How to Create Flowchart Notes Templates in MANAGER
Flowchart notes and flowchart note templates are designed to save your team valuable time during critical care emergencies. With just the tap of a button, you can communicate vital information across the entire care team.
*This is not a comprehensive list and you should create your Flowchart Note templates from input from your teams and EMS partners. These are a few examples for your team to use.*
Template Title |
Alert Text |
Body Text |
MED - ASA 324 mg (PO) |
Aspirin 324 mg (PO) Administered |
Aspirin 324 mg (PO) |
MED - Heparin (IV) |
Heparin (IV) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - IV Bolus |
IV Bolus |
Administered ( ) ml ( ) L |
MED - Nitroglycerin (SL) |
Nitroglycerin (SL) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Plavix [Clopidogrel] (PO) |
Plavix [Clopidogrel] (PO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - TNKase (IV) |
TNKase (IV) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
PROCEDURE - Defibrillation |
Defibrillation Delivered |
Joules ( ) Result ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Vascular Access |
Vascular Access |
Attempts ( ) Location ( ) Size ( ) |
Template Title |
Alert Text |
Body Text |
MED - ASA 324 mg (PO) |
Aspirin 324 mg (PO) Administered |
Aspirin 324 mg (PO) |
MED - Heparin (IV) |
Heparin (IV) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Plavix [Clopidogrel] (PO) |
Plavix [Clopidogrel] (PO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Activase [Alteplase] (IV) |
Activase [Alteplase] (IV) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
PROCEDURE - Airway Mgt |
Airway Mgt |
BVM ( ) OPA ( ) NPA ( ) King ( ) iGEl ( ) Intubation ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Vascular Access |
Vascular Access |
Attempts ( ) Location ( ) Size ( ) |
DIAGNOSIS - CT Results |
CT Results Completed |
Imaging Findings: |
Cardiac Arrest
Template Title |
Alert Text |
Body Text |
EKG - Initial Rhythm |
EKG - Initial Rhythm |
Initial Rhythm: |
MED - Amiodarone (IV/IO) |
Amiodarone (IV/IO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Atropine (IV/IO) |
Atropine (IV/IO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Bicarbonate (IV/IO) |
Bicarbonate (IV/IO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Calcium Chloride (IV/IO) |
Calcium Chloride (IV/IO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Epinephrine (IV/IO) |
Epinephrine (IV/IO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - IV Bolus |
IV Bolus |
Administered ( ) ml ( ) L |
MED - Lidocaine (IV/IO) |
Lidocaine (IV/IO) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - Magnesium Sulfate |
Magnesium Sulfate (IV/IO) Admin |
Dose: Route: |
PROCEDURE - Airway Mgt |
Airway Mgt |
BVM ( ) OPA ( ) NPA ( ) King ( ) iGEl ( ) Intubation ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Defibrillation |
Defibrillation Delivered |
Joules ( ) Result ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Vascular Access |
Vascular Access |
Attempts ( ) Location ( ) Size ( ) |
Template Title |
Alert Text |
Body Text |
CRITERIA - Sepsis Protocol |
Sepsis Criteria Met |
Adult: SBP <90 ( ) RR>22 ( ) HR>90 ( ) Temp >38C or <36C: ( ) SaO2 <92% ( ) GCS ( ) |
LAB - Blood Cultures Collected |
Blood Cultures Collected |
LAB - Lactate Collected |
Lactate Collected |
MED - Ceftriaxone 2 gm (IV) |
Ceftriaxone 2 gm (IV) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
MED - IV Bolus |
IV Bolus |
Administered ( ) ml ( ) L |
MED - IV Bolus 30 ml/kg COMPLETE |
IV Bolus 30 ml/kg COMPLETE |
MED - IV Bolus 30 ml/kg INITIATED |
IV Bolus 30 ml/kg INITIATED |
MED - Vancomycin (IV) |
Vancomycin (IV) Administered |
Dose: Route: |
PROCEDURE - Vascular Access |
Vascular Access |
Attempts ( ) Location ( ) Size ( ) |
Template Title |
Alert Text |
Body Text |
Alert ( ) Verbal ( ) Pain ( ) Unresponsive ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Airway |
Airway Mgt |
BVM ( ) OPA ( ) NPA ( ) King ( ) iGEl ( ) Intubation ( ) |
CRITERIA - Trauma (Step 1) |
Trauma - Physiologic Criteria |
DOCUMENT ONE OR MORE CRITERIA ( ) GCS - Less than or equal to 13 ( ) SBP - Less than or equal to 90 ( ) RR Less than 10 or greater than 29/min ( ) RR Less than 20 for Pediatrics less than 1 year |
CRITERIA - Trauma (Step 2) |
Trauma - Anatomic Criteria |
DOCUMENT ONE OR MORE CRITERIA PENETRATING INJURY: ( ) Head ( ) Neck ( ) Chest/Torso ( ) Above Elbow - Proximal Extremities ( ) Above Knee - Proximal Extremities CHEST WALL INJURY ( ) Instability ( ) Deformity TWO or MORE PROXIMAL LONG BONE FRACTURES ( # ) Humerus/Upper Arm - Proximal ( # ) Femur/Upper Leg - Proximal SEVERE EXTREMITY INJURY ( ) Crushed Extremity ( ) Degloved Extremity ( ) Mangled Extremity ( ) Pulseless Extremity PROXIMAL AMPUTATION ( ) Above the Wrist ( ) Above the Ankle PELVIC INJURY ( ) Pelvic Fractures SKULL INJURY ( ) Open Skull Fracture ( ) Depressed Skull Fracture SPINAL TRAUMA ( ) Paralysis |
CRITERIA - Trauma (Step 3) |
Trauma - Mechanism of Injury Criteria |
DOCUMENT ONE OR MORE CRITERIA FALLS ( ) Adults: >20 feet ( ) Children: >10 feet ( ) Children: 2 or 3 Times the Height of the Child HIGH-RISK AUTO CRASHES ( ) Intrusion - Including Roof: >12" Occupant Site; >18" Any Site ( ) Ejection from Automobile -Partial or Complete ( ) Death in Same Passenger Compartment ( ) Vehicle Telemetry Data Consistent with a High Risk of Injury PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLIST ( ) Auto vs. Pedestrian ( ) Auto vs. Bicyclist Thrown ( ) Run Over ( ) Significant (>20 mph) Impact MOTORCYCLE ( ) Motorcycle Crash >20 mph |
CRITERIA - Trauma (Step 4) |
Trauma - Special Considerations Criteria |
DOCUMENT ONE OR MORE CRITERIA OLDER ADULT ( ) Age 55+ Risk of Injury/Death Increases ( ) Age 65+ with SBP less than 110 ( ) Low Impact Mechanisms (e.g. Ground Level Falls) May Result in Severe Injury CHILDREN ( ) Should be Triaged Preferentially to Pediatric Capable Trauma Centers ANTICOAGULANTS & BLEEDING DISORDERS ( ) Patients with Head Injury are at High Risk for Rapid Deterioration BURNS ( ) Without Other Trauma Mechanism: Triage to Burn Facility ( ) With Trauma Mechanism: Triage to Trauma Center PREGNANCY ( ) Greater Than 20 Weeks Pregnant EMS JUDGEMENT ( ) Provider Judgment |
PROCEDURE - Vascular Access |
Vascular Access |
Attempts ( ) Location ( ) Size ( ) |
Template Title |
Alert Text |
Body Text |
Alert ( ) Verbal ( ) Pain ( ) Unresponsive ( ) |
ASSESSMENT - Echocardiogram Right Ventricular Enlargement |
Right Ventricular Enlargement on Echocardiogram |
BELONGINGS - left with family |
Belongings left with family |
BELONGINGS - with patient |
Belongings with patient |
DIAGNOSIS - CT Results |
CT Results Completed |
Imaging Findings: |
DISPOSITION - Transferred to Floor |
Transferred to Floor |
EKG - Initial Rhythm |
EKG - Initial Rhythm |
Initial Rhythm: |
MED - IV Bolus |
IV Bolus |
Administered ( ) ml ( ) L |
PRECAUTION - (Airborne): TB /Chicken Pox / Measles |
AIRBORNE PRECAUTION: TB /Chicken Pox / Measles |
PRECAUTION - (Special Respiratory) SARS / MERS / COVID |
PROCEDURE - Airway Mgt |
Airway Mgt |
BVM ( ) OPA ( ) NPA ( ) King ( ) iGEl ( ) Intubation ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Defibrillation |
Defibrillation Delivered |
Joules ( ) Result ( ) |
PROCEDURE - EKOS® Catheter Deployed |
EKOS® Catheter Deployed |
PROCEDURE - Vascular Access |
Vascular Access |
Attempts ( ) Location ( ) Size ( ) |
PROCEDURE - Restraints |
Restraints |
Physical ( ) MED ( ) |
CPAP Applied |
For more information on how to use Flowchart Notes in Pulsara MOBILE,
check out this guide